Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Its a small world.

Well Chris is still getting his appetite  back slowly but surely and seems to be feeling a little better today. Our friends Kim and Kevin came over today and presented Chris with a video game that he really wanted, how cool was that? It put a big fat smile on his face and now he has something to look forward to doing while stuck at home for the next few weeks. MD Anderson never called back with the results of Chris's blood tests so I am assuming everything is good for now.

Well I wanted to ask a favor from everyone. On our second round of treatment at MD Anderson I was with my sister in law and she bumped into a client from the salon she works at Named Stacey Rachal.(small world huh?) Now Stacey was on the same floor as Chris and was with her sister who is also has Metastatic Melanoma. Recently they received disheartening news that she has now developed leptomeningial disease click HERE to find out more about what this is. I just want to ask all of you to pray for Stacey, her sister Robbin Friday Tucker and for their family. I have been crying for the last hour my heart hurts so bad for her. So please add her to your church prayer list and lets hope for better news their next trip to Houston!


1 comment:

Vanessa :) said...

always praying for you guys! and will be adding this lady to my list! xoxoxoxo