Sunday, September 18, 2011

Time again Already

Well its time to go to Houston again! The time at home seemed so short lived this go around. Chris's appetite is finally back but his weight is still low. We got his blood test results back and his hemoglobin levels were at 8.6 so that was great but the nurse  told me he still needs a transfusion, so hopefully they will have some blood available at the hospital this go around.  His white blood count was up at 17.4 which is high and usually is a sign of infection but since he hasn't been running fever it is probably because they gave him a shot of something or other before he left the hospital to help raise his white blood cell count. This will be his 5th treatment of 6 so this time before he is admitted we go a day early for ct scans of his lungs and head. Pray that 6 treatments will do it. I don't know how much longer I can take this. The past 4 months have felt like eternity.

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