Monday, May 27, 2013

Scans coming soon

Well  June 24 Chris will have his quarterly scans. He is doing really good. He has put on weight and I believe this might be the most he has ever weighed. Lets see news wise  We adopted a new kitten and she has brought a lot of happiness to this house. We adore her!

How could you not fall in love with that sweetheart? Teeee heeee

We also just got  back from camping in Arkansas... not to worry we over applied sunblock and Chris stayed in the shade most of the time! We took our nephew Phillip, he had never been camping before and he really enjoyed himself  as we enjoyed having him come along.

Prayer Requests!!

In sad news my cousins husband died a couple of nights ago and we attended the wake tonight. It was so sad. He was only 36 and they have 3 girls. Life truly is a precious gift..  We never know when it will be taken from us. I just feel so sad about it. Please pray for them

I ask everyone to pray for our friend Jutta's companion Richard he has cancer and is about to undergo new  treatments.

Also please continue to pray for our Friends Stacy (1 year cancer freeeeee!!!) and her sister Robin both Melanoma stage 4. And as always please keep Chris in your prayers.  Prayer works! We know first hand!!

I know I don't blog as much but its just because when there isn't any  immediate cancer stuff  going on in the near future I don't like thinking about the cancer. I don't ignore it and I tell every person I can about Melanoma and the dangers of the sun BUT if I let it overun my thoughts and emotions I am letting the Cancer and Fear win and can't do that.... I have felt enough fear about this Cancer to last me a lifetime. So I don't know what God has in store for Chris and I but I can't wait to find out. I love all of you who keep up and for those who just have come across this blog I hope you can find some inspiration and hope from this diary.
